
  1. 為什麼我付款後無法訪問付費視頻?

Why I cannot access the paid video after I make the payment?

ANS:客戶付款24小時,客戶登記的電郵會收到以下電郵激活帳戶。如客戶沒有使用GMAIL 或 客戶不能登入GMAIL登記付款,客戶將不能激活帳戶 及 不獲退款。


ANS: 24 hours after the customer's payment, the customer's registered email will receive the following email to activate the account. If the customer does not use GMAIL or the customer use GMAIL that the customer cannot log in to register for payment, the customer will not be able to activate the account and will not receive a refund. For details, please click here

2. 如何將功課提交給鋼琴在線課程?

How do i submit homework to piano online course?

ANS: 付款成功後,你可以把你的作業上傳到你自己的google drive,然後把分享鏈結發郵件到piano.online.course@gmail.com 當然,你可以讓視頻只有piano.online.course@gmail.com可以訪問。 詳情請按此

ANS: After you make the payment successfully,you can upload your homework to your own google drive and email the share link to piano.online.course@gmail.com Of course, you could make the video only accessible to piano.online.course@gmail.com if you would like to by following THIS

3. 要學多久才能學會課程的內容?

How Long do I need to spend for the whole course?

ANS: 學習速度決定於學生努力,對學習熱情及天資。

ANS: The length of learning time depends on student talent and learning passion.

4. 如有問題,可以聯絡我們


ANS: 按此聯絡

ANS: Please click here to contact us.